Authentic C-THR86-2105 Dumps – Free PDF Questions to Pass [Q36-Q50]

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Authentic C-THR86-2105 Dumps – Free PDF Questions to Pass

Guaranteed Accomplishment with Newest Mar-2022 FREE C-THR86-2105

SAP SF Comp Certification Exam Details:

Exam Price $550 (USD)
Level Associate
Passing Score C_THR86_2105 – 55%
Schedule Exam SAP Training
Duration 180 mins
Exam Code C_THR86_2105
Number of Questions 80
Sample Questions SAP SF Comp Certification Sample Questions

SAP C-THR86-2105 Certification Exam Topics:

Topic Areas Topic Details, Courses, Books
Permissions < 8%

Set up permissions.

Reports and Workflows > 12%

Create, enable, and export reports and workflows.

Implementation Test < 8%

Conduct implementation tests.

Compensation Worksheets > 12%

Configure compensation worksheets.

Plan Settings > 12%

Manage plan settings.

Compensation Statements 8% – 12%

Configure compensation statements.

Managing Employee Specific Data 8% – 12%

Manage employee specific data.

Set Up Import Tables < 8%

Configure and modify import tables.


NO.36 Which compensation permissions are typically enabled for human resource business partners? There are 3 correct answers.


NO.37 Review the final figure for each component of the compensation plan for your group. For more information about the approval process, please refer to the process document. Please choose the correct answer.


NO.38 Your customer wants theguidelines for an employee’s merit recommendation to be prorated based on the employee’s date of last hire. The date of last hire is different than the employee’s original hire date. How can you fulfill this requirement? Please choose the correct answer.


NO.39 You configure the following salary rule in the compensation plan template XML. <comp-salary-rule use For-‘merit” benchmark-‘range-penetration” actionOnExceed=”disallow”>


NO.40 What is the correct format for the compensation aggregate report? Please choose the correct answer.


NO.41 You configure the following salary rule in the compensation plan template XML. <comp-salary-rule use For-‘merit” benchmark-‘range-penetration” actionOnExceed=”disallow”>A.


NO.42 Review the final figure for each component of the compensationplan for your group. For more information about the approval process, please refer to the process document. Please choose the correct answer.


NO.43 You set up a merit guideline rule based on the performance rating. You import guideline formulas as shown in the attached screenshot. According to the imported formulas, what is the minimum merit guideline if an employee’s performance rating is 4? Please choose the correct answer.


NO.44 What must you do before generating compensation statements? Please choose the correct answer.


NO.45 Your customer uses a look-up table to calculate custom budgets as shown in the attached screenshot. The budget is based on an employee’s country and status. In the template, the country is defined with the field ID
‘customCountry’ and the status isdefined with the field ID ‘customStatus’.
You need to create a custom field that contains the look-up value foe the promotion budget percent. What is the correct syntax for the calculated field?
Please choose the correct answer.


NO.46 What are the advantages of the PercentofMeritTarget budget mode? Please choose the correct answer.


NO.47 You set the Reportable option of a custom field to true in the Column Designer. In which reports does this field appear?
There are 3 correct answers.


NO.48 Each employee has a custom number code assigned to them, However, your customer wants to display the name instead of the code on the worksheet. If the code is NOT in the table, the customer wantsblanks to be displayed. What would you define as the last row in your lookup table? Please choose the correct answer.


NO.49 In the user data file (UDF), what can you populate in the column
COMPENSATION_SALARY_RATE_UNITS? Please choose the correct answer.


NO.50 Your customer has a compensation plan template with the functional currency EUR. The manager’s owncurrency is USD. The manager’s compensation worksheet contains employees who are paid in the following currencies: EUR, USD, CHF and GBRWhich view must you enable to make sure the manager can display the salary of all of their employees in USD? Please choose the correct answer.


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