[May-2022] Linux Foundation CKS Dumps – Secret To Pass in First Attempt [Q20-Q40]

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[May-2022] Linux Foundation CKS Dumps – Secret To Pass in First Attempt

Linux Foundation CKS Exam Dumps [2022] Practice Valid Exam Dumps Question

Fix all issues via configuration and restart the affected components to ensure the new setting takes effect.
Fix all of the following violations that were found against the API server:- a. Ensure that the RotateKubeletServerCertificate argument is set to true.
b. Ensure that the admission control plugin PodSecurityPolicy is set.
c. Ensure that the –kubelet-certificate-authority argument is set as appropriate.
Fix all of the following violations that were found against the Kubelet:- a. Ensure the –anonymous-auth argument is set to false.
b. Ensure that the –authorization-mode argument is set to Webhook.
Fix all of the following violations that were found against the ETCD:-
a. Ensure that the –auto-tls argument is not set to true
b. Ensure that the –peer-auto-tls argument is not set to true
Hint: Take the use of Tool Kube-Bench

NO.21 You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command:
[desk@cli] $ kubectl config use-context test-account
Task: Enable audit logs in the cluster.
To do so, enable the log backend, and ensure that:
1. logs are stored at /var/log/Kubernetes/logs.txt
2. log files are retained for 5 days
3. at maximum, a number of 10 old audit log files are retained
A basic policy is provided at /etc/Kubernetes/logpolicy/audit-policy.yaml. It only specifies what not to log.
Note: The base policy is located on the cluster’s master node.
Edit and extend the basic policy to log:
1. Nodes changes at RequestResponse level
2. The request body of persistentvolumes changes in the namespace frontend
3. ConfigMap and Secret changes in all namespaces at the Metadata level Also, add a catch-all rule to log all other requests at the Metadata level Note: Don’t forget to apply the modified policy.

Create a network policy named restrict-np to restrict to pod nginx-test running in namespace testing.
Only allow the following Pods to connect to Pod nginx-test:-
1. pods in the namespace default
2. pods with label version:v1 in any namespace.
Make sure to apply the network policy.


Create a RuntimeClass named untrusted using the prepared runtime handler named runsc.
Create a Pods of image alpine:3.13.2 in the Namespace default to run on the gVisor runtime class.
Verify: Exec the pods and run the dmesg, you will see output like this:-


Before Making any changes build the Dockerfile with tag base:v1
Now Analyze and edit the given Dockerfile(based on ubuntu 16:04)
Fixing two instructions present in the file, Check from Security Aspect and Reduce Size point of view.
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt install nginx -y
COPY entrypoint.sh /
RUN useradd ubuntu
ENTRYPOINT [“/entrypoint.sh”]
USER ubuntu
echo “Hello from CKS”
After fixing the Dockerfile, build the docker-image with the tag base:v2 To Verify: Check the size of the image before and after the build.


NO.25 You can switch the cluster/configuration context using the following command:
[desk@cli] $ kubectl config use-context stage
A PodSecurityPolicy shall prevent the creation of privileged Pods in a specific namespace.
1. Create a new PodSecurityPolcy named deny-policy, which prevents the creation of privileged Pods.
2. Create a new ClusterRole name deny-access-role, which uses the newly created PodSecurityPolicy deny-policy.
3. Create a new ServiceAccount named psd-denial-sa in the existing namespace development.
Finally, create a new ClusterRoleBindind named restrict-access-bind, which binds the newly created ClusterRole deny-access-role to the newly created ServiceAccount psp-denial-sa

NO.26 On the Cluster worker node, enforce the prepared AppArmor profile
#include <tunables/global>
profile docker-nginx flags=(attach_disconnected,mediate_deleted) {
#include <abstractions/base>
network inet tcp,
network inet udp,
network inet icmp,
deny network raw,
deny network packet,
deny /bin/** wl,
deny /boot/** wl,
deny /dev/** wl,
deny /etc/** wl,
deny /home/** wl,
deny /lib/** wl,
deny /lib64/** wl,
deny /media/** wl,
deny /mnt/** wl,
deny /opt/** wl,
deny /proc/** wl,
deny /root/** wl,
deny /sbin/** wl,
deny /srv/** wl,
deny /tmp/** wl,
deny /sys/** wl,
deny /usr/** wl,
audit /** w,
/var/run/nginx.pid w,
/usr/sbin/nginx ix,
deny /bin/dash mrwklx,
deny /bin/sh mrwklx,
deny /usr/bin/top mrwklx,
capability chown,
capability dac_override,
capability setuid,
capability setgid,
capability net_bind_service,
deny @{PROC}/* w, # deny write for all files directly in /proc (not in a subdir)
# deny write to files not in /proc/<number>/** or /proc/sys/**
deny @{PROC}/{[^1-9],[^1-9][^0-9],[^1-9s][^0-9y][^0-9s],[^1-9][^0-9][^0-9][^0-9]*}/** w, deny @{PROC}/sys/[^k]** w, # deny /proc/sys except /proc/sys/k* (effectively /proc/sys/kernel) deny @{PROC}/sys/kernel/{?,??,[^s][^h][^m]**} w, # deny everything except shm* in /proc/sys/kernel/ deny @{PROC}/sysrq-trigger rwklx, deny @{PROC}/mem rwklx, deny @{PROC}/kmem rwklx, deny @{PROC}/kcore rwklx, deny mount, deny /sys/[^f]*/** wklx, deny /sys/f[^s]*/** wklx, deny /sys/fs/[^c]*/** wklx, deny /sys/fs/c[^g]*/** wklx, deny /sys/fs/cg[^r]*/** wklx, deny /sys/firmware/** rwklx, deny /sys/kernel/security/** rwklx,
Edit the prepared manifest file to include the AppArmor profile.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: apparmor-pod
– name: apparmor-pod
image: nginx
Finally, apply the manifests files and create the Pod specified on it.
Verify: Try to use command ping, top, sh


NO.27 use the Trivy to scan the following images,


Create a new NetworkPolicy named deny-all in the namespace testing which denies all traffic of type ingress and egress traffic

NO.29 Create a new NetworkPolicy named deny-all in the namespace testing which denies all traffic of type ingress and egress traffic

NO.30 Using the runtime detection tool Falco, Analyse the container behavior for at least 20 seconds, using filters that detect newly spawning and executing processes in a single container of Nginx.


a. Retrieve the content of the existing secret named default-token-xxxxx in the testing namespace.
Store the value of the token in the token.txt
b. Create a new secret named test-db-secret in the DB namespace with the following content:
username: mysql
password: password@123
Create the Pod name test-db-pod of image nginx in the namespace db that can access test-db-secret via a volume at path /etc/mysql-credentials

NO.32 Create a PSP that will prevent the creation of privileged pods in the namespace.
Create a new PodSecurityPolicy named prevent-privileged-policy which prevents the creation of privileged pods.
Create a new ServiceAccount named psp-sa in the namespace default.
Create a new ClusterRole named prevent-role, which uses the newly created Pod Security Policy prevent-privileged-policy.
Create a new ClusterRoleBinding named prevent-role-binding, which binds the created ClusterRole prevent-role to the created SA psp-sa.
Also, Check the Configuration is working or not by trying to Create a Privileged pod, it should get failed.

NO.33 Create a Pod name Nginx-pod inside the namespace testing, Create a service for the Nginx-pod named nginx-svc, using the ingress of your choice, run the ingress on tls, secure port.


NO.34 Given an existing Pod named test-web-pod running in the namespace test-system Edit the existing Role bound to the Pod’s Service Account named sa-backend to only allow performing get operations on endpoints.
Create a new Role named test-system-role-2 in the namespace test-system, which can perform patch operations, on resources of type statefulsets.


NO.35 Secrets stored in the etcd is not secure at rest, you can use the etcdctl command utility to find the secret value for e.g:-


NO.36 A container image scanner is set up on the cluster.
Given an incomplete configuration in the directory
/etc/kubernetes/confcontrol and a functional container image scanner with HTTPS endpoint https://test-server.local.8081/image_policy


NO.37 Use the kubesec docker images to scan the given YAML manifest, edit and apply the advised changes, and passed with a score of 4 points.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: kubesec-demo
– name: kubesec-demo
image: gcr.io/google-samples/node-hello:1.0
readOnlyRootFilesystem: true


On the Cluster worker node, enforce the prepared AppArmor profile
#include <tunables/global>
profile nginx-deny flags=(attach_disconnected) {
#include <abstractions/base>
# Deny all file writes.
deny /** w,
Edit the prepared manifest file to include the AppArmor profile.
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: apparmor-pod
– name: apparmor-pod
image: nginx
Finally, apply the manifests files and create the Pod specified on it.
Verify: Try to make a file inside the directory which is restricted.


NO.39 Fix all issues via configuration and restart the affected components to ensure the new setting takes effect.
Fix all of the following violations that were found against the API server:- a. Ensure the –authorization-mode argument includes RBAC b. Ensure the –authorization-mode argument includes Node c. Ensure that the –profiling argument is set to false Fix all of the following violations that were found against the Kubelet:- a. Ensure the –anonymous-auth argument is set to false.
b. Ensure that the –authorization-mode argument is set to Webhook.
Fix all of the following violations that were found against the ETCD:-
a. Ensure that the –auto-tls argument is not set to true
Hint: Take the use of Tool Kube-Bench

Analyze and edit the given Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:latest
RUN apt-get update -y
RUN apt-install nginx -y
COPY entrypoint.sh /
ENTRYPOINT [“/entrypoint.sh”]
Fixing two instructions present in the file being prominent security best practice issues Analyze and edit the deployment manifest file apiVersion: v1 kind: Pod metadata:
name: security-context-demo-2
runAsUser: 1000
– name: sec-ctx-demo-2
image: gcr.io/google-samples/node-hello:1.0
runAsUser: 0
privileged: True
allowPrivilegeEscalation: false
Fixing two fields present in the file being prominent security best practice issues Don’t add or remove configuration settings; only modify the existing configuration settings Whenever you need an unprivileged user for any of the tasks, use user test-user with the user id 5487


CKS Exam Dumps PDF Guaranteed Success with Accurate & Updated Questions: https://www.passtestking.com/Linux-Foundation/CKS-practice-exam-dumps.html


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