PT0-002 Exam Dumps, PT0-002 Practice Test Questions [Q18-Q32]

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PT0-002 Exam Dumps, PT0-002 Practice Test Questions

PDF (New 2022) Actual CompTIA PT0-002 Exam Questions

NO.18 A penetration tester has established an on-path attack position and must now specially craft a DNS query response to be sent back to a target host. Which of the following utilities would BEST support this objective?


NO.19 You are a security analyst tasked with hardening a web server.
You have been given a list of HTTP payloads that were flagged as malicious.
Given the following attack signatures, determine the attack type, and then identify the associated remediation to prevent the attack in the future.
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NO.20 A penetration tester has identified several newly released CVEs on a VoIP call manager. The scanning tool the tester used determined the possible presence of the CVEs based off the version number of the service. Which of the following methods would BEST support validation of the possible findings?


NO.21 A penetration tester logs in as a user in the cloud environment of a company. Which of the following Pacu modules will enable the tester to determine the level of access of the existing user?


NO.22 A software development team is concerned that a new product’s 64-bit Windows binaries can be deconstructed to the underlying code. Which of the following tools can a penetration tester utilize to help the team gauge what an attacker might see in the binaries?


NO.23 A company is concerned that its cloud service provider is not adequately protecting the VMs housing its software development. The VMs are housed in a datacenter with other companies sharing physical resources. Which of the following attack types is MOST concerning to the company?


NO.24 The results of an Nmap scan are as follows:
Starting Nmap 7.80 ( ) at 2021-01-24 01:10 EST
Nmap scan report for ( )
Host is up (0.0102s latency).
Not shown: 998 filtered ports
Port State Service
80/tcp open http
|_http-title: 80F 22% RH 1009.1MB (text/html)
| Slowloris DoS Attack
| <..>
Device type: bridge|general purpose
Running (JUST GUESSING) : QEMU (95%)
OS CPE: cpe:/a:qemu:qemu
No exact OS matches found for host (test conditions non-ideal).
OS detection performed. Please report any incorrect results at
Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 107.45 seconds
Which of the following device types will MOST likely have a similar response? (Choose two.)


NO.25 A penetration tester conducted a discovery scan that generated the following:

Which of the following commands generated the results above and will transform them into a list of active hosts for further analysis?


NO.26 A penetration tester is looking for a vulnerability that enables attackers to open doors via a specialized TCP service that is used for a physical access control system. The service exists on more than 100 different hosts, so the tester would like to automate the assessment. Identification requires the penetration tester to:
Have a full TCP connection
Send a “hello” payload
Walt for a response
Send a string of characters longer than 16 bytes
Which of the following approaches would BEST support the objective?


NO.27 Which of the following BEST describes why a client would hold a lessons-learned meeting with the penetration-testing team?


NO.28 Which of the following tools would be MOST useful in collecting vendor and other security-relevant information for IoT devices to support passive reconnaissance?


NO.29 In the process of active service enumeration, a penetration tester identifies an SMTP daemon running on one of the target company’s servers. Which of the following actions would BEST enable the tester to perform phishing in a later stage of the assessment?


NO.30 A penetration tester has been given eight business hours to gain access to a client’s financial system. Which of the following techniques will have the highest likelihood of success?


NO.31 The results of an Nmap scan are as follows:

Which of the following would be the BEST conclusion about this device?


NO.32 A penetration tester finds a PHP script used by a web application in an unprotected internal source code repository. After reviewing the code, the tester identifies the following:

Which of the following tools will help the tester prepare an attack for this scenario?


Updated May-2022 Pass PT0-002 Exam – Real Practice Test Questions:


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