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NCLEX-RN Questions PDF [2024] Use Valid New dump to Clear Exam

Q429. A client is admitted to the hospital for an induction of labor owing to a gestation of 42 weeks confirmed by dates and ultrasound. When she is dilated 3 cm, she has a contraction of 70 seconds. She is receiving oxytocin.
The nurse’s first intervention should be to:


Q430. The most commonly known vectors of Lyme disease are:


Q431. The therapeutic blood-level range for lithium is:


Q432. A 27-year-old primigravida stated that she got up from the chair to fix dinner and bright red blood was running down her legs. She denies any pain previously or currently. The client is very concerned about whether her baby will be all right. Her vital signs include P 120 bpm, respirations 26 breaths/min, BP 104/58 mm Hg, temperature 98.2_F, and fetal heart rate 146 bpm. Laboratory findings revealed hemoglobin 9.0 g/dL, hematocrit 26%, and coagulation studies within normal range. On admission, the peripad she wore was noted to be half saturated with bright red blood. A medical diagnosis of placenta previa is made. The priority nursing diagnosis for this client would be:


Q433. An expected response to sodium polystyrene sulfonate (Kayexalate) is:


Q434. Four days after admission for cirrhosis of the liver, the nurse observes the following when assessing a male client: increased irritability, asterixis, and changes in his speech pattern. Which of the following foods would be appropriate for his bedtime snack?


Q435. Which of the following medications requires close observation for bronchospasm in the client with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or asthma?


Q436. When a client is receiving vasoactive therapy IV, such as dopamine (Intropin), and extravasation occurs, the nurse should be prepared to administer which of the following medications directly into the site?


Q437. A client had a hemicolectomy performed 2 days ago. Today, when the nurse assesses the incision, a small part of the abdominal viscera is seen protruding through the incision. This complication of wound healing is known as:


Q438. A pregnant client is having a nonstress test (NST). It is noted that the fetal heart beat rises 20 bpm, lasting
20 seconds, every time the fetus moves. The nurse explains that:


Q439. A new mother experiences strong uterine contractions while breast-feeding her baby. She excitedly rings for the nurse. When the nurse arrives the mother tells her, “Something is wrong. This is like my labor.” Which reply by the nurse identifies the physiological response of the client?


Q440. A client suspected of having anorexia nervosa is placed on bed rest with an IV infusion and a high-carbohydrate liquid diet. Within 72 hours, the results of her lab work show a return to normal limits. She is transferred to the psychiatric service for further treatment. A behavior modification plan is initiated. Three days after her transfer, the client tells the nurse, “I haven’t exercised in 6 days. I won’t be eating lunch today.” This statement by her most likely reflects:


Q441. A client has been instructed in how to take her nitroglycerin tablets. The nurse giving her instructions knows the client understands the information when she tells her:


Q442. The physician orders medication for a client’s unpleasant side effects from the haloperidol. The most appropriate drug at this time is:


Q443. Seven days ago, a 45-year-old female client had an ileostomy. She is self-sufficient and well otherwise. Which of the following long-term objectives would be unrealistic?


Q444. A 40-year-old client is admitted to the hospital for tests to diagnose cancer. Since his admission, he has become dependent and demanding to the nursing staff. The nurse identifies this behavior as which defense mechanism?


Q445. A 35-weeks-pregnant client is undergoing a nonstress test (NST). During the 20-minute examination, the nurse notes three fetal movements accompanied by accelerations of the fetal heart rate, each 15 bpm, lasting
15 seconds. The nurse interprets this test to be:


Q446. A client is medically cleared for ECT and is tentatively scheduled for six treatments over a 2-week period. Her husband asks, “Isn’t that a lot?” The nurse’s best response is:


Q447. An 18-month-old child has been playing in the garage. His mother brings him to a nurse’s home complaining of his mouth being sore. His lips and mouth are soapy and white, with small ulcerated areas beginning to form. The child begins to vomit. His pulse is rapid and weak. The nurse suspects that the child has:


Q448. A client has been diagnosed with congestive heart failure. His fluid intake and output are strictly regulated. For lunch, he drank 8 oz of milk, 4 oz of tea, and 6 oz of coffee. His intake would be recorded as:


Q449. The nurse is caring for a client who has diabetes insipidus. The nurse would describe this client’s urine output pattern as:


Q450. An 18-year-old client enters the emergency room complaining of coughing, chest tightness, dyspnea, and sputum production. On physical assessment, the nurse notes agitation, nasal flaring, tachypnea, and expiratory wheezing. These signs should alert the nurse to:


Q451. A male client is experiencing auditory hallucinations. His nurse enters the room and he tells her that his mother is talking to him, and he will take his medicine after she leaves. The nurse looks around the room and sees that she and the client are the only ones in the room. The nurse’s most therapeutic response will be:


Q452. The nurse is teaching a client how to perform monthly testicular self-examination (TSE) and states that it is best to perform the procedure right after showering. This statement is made by the nurse based on the knowledge that:


Q453. A 40-year-old client has lived for 8 years with an abusive spouse. She married her husband in her senior year of high school after becoming pregnant. Shortly after the baby was born, he began to physically abuse her. She has attempted to leave him several times, but she has always returned. She is unable to support herself financially, and her husband threatens to kill her if she leaves him. This time, her husband has beaten her so badly she cannot stop the bleeding from the gash above her eye. She admits her husband caused her injury. In assessing a person after experiencing spousal abuse, which need has the highest priority?


NCLEX-RN Study Guide Brilliant NCLEX-RN Exam Dumps PDF: https://www.passtestking.com/NCLEX/NCLEX-RN-practice-exam-dumps.html


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