

[Jun 10, 2023] Get to the Top with 600-101 Practice Exam Questions

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NO.11 A community manager runs a Facebook Page for a global banking organization. This is an established group with clear guiding principles and internal escalation protocols. A community member comments on a recent post to threaten the organization unless the member receives a resolution to a recent problem.
Which step should the community manager take?


NO.12 An online book club has a strict policy regarding self-promotion in the group. Community members are encouraged to share content about their favorite books or an upcoming release from an author, but they cannot promote their own work.
A new member joins the group and immediately posts a link to buy a book that he wrote. Upon seeing this post, several other group members comment with links to their websites to promote their work. The community manager wants to reinforce the group rules to the members.
Which two actions should the community manager take? (Choose 2)


NO.13 The community manager of a nonprofit contacts local government officials with an idea for an elderly-only fitness park in a local green space.
The community manager needs to provide evidence to the nonprofit that will help it to build relationships with potential government partners.
Which two proactive tactics should the community manager use in this situation? (Choose 2)


NO.14 The community manager of a 25,000 member rock painting community in Dublin is concerned about low engagement in the group over the last six months and wants to increase conversations between members.
Which three actions should the community manager take to achieve this goal? (Choose 3)


NO.15 A regional chapter of a nonprofit organization is under threat of closure from its national committee. The community manager has been invited to a meeting to provide evidence of the value that the local chapter brings to members in its geographic area and to discuss the proposed plans.
Which two actions should the community manager take to prepare for the meeting? (Choose 2)


NO.16 ある有名人コミュニティメンバーが、政治的な議論を含む投稿を禁止するグループルールに違反した。このグループでは投稿の承認がオンになっています。


NO.17 あるプロフェッショナルネットワーキンググループのコミュニティマネージャーは、年に一度の対面イベントを主催している。このコミュニティは、イベントをオンライン環境に迅速に移行する必要があります。


NO.18 An interest-based community with a culturally diverse membership often shares a variety of posts about empowerment. Post approval is not turned on, so conversations are carefully monitored to make sure heated debates and comments do not become personal. A longtime member who has not posted for a year leaves a comment that violates the guidelines for marketing and spam. The comment is removed, and feedback is provided in a private message.
The member is upset and posts again sharing their thoughts on having their comment removed. They challenge the community management team and its approach to the guidelines.
What should the community manager do to handle this conflict?


NO.19 A community for social media experts wants to encourage engagement and growth. To do this, they want to offer more unique opportunities to meet and connect online.
They would like to produce regular sessions where influencers share their expertise.
What can the community manager do to meet this goal?


20位 老舗の中級コーヒーブランドが、高級エスプレッソ製品の新ラインを発売する。プレミアム消費者にリーチするため、新しいソーシャルチャンネルで製品を宣伝する必要がある。コミュニティマネジャーは、この新製品をサポートするために、社内の利害関係者に提示する発売戦略を作成しなければならない。


NO.21 A parenting support group of deeply connected people has started growing quickly. The leadership team receives several reports that the group is now too big and discussions frequently stray from the intended topic. To continue to develop the tight bonds the community previously cultivated and to address the concerns of long-standing members, the community manager needs to create new groups that focus on specific topics.
In which two ways can the community manager establish these topically focused groups? (Choose 2)


NO.22 A community manager for an influencer is focused on thought leadership and well-being.
The influencer has the following assets:
A Facebook Page with 500,000 followers
A Facebook group with 30,000 members
An Instagram account with 200,000 followers
The community manager needs to evaluate possible revenue streams.
Which three approaches should the community manager recommend? (Choose 3)


NO.23 全国チェーンの百貨店のコミュニティ・マネージャーは、特に販売量の多いホーム&ガーデン、メンズ・ファッション、レディス・ファッションの各部門において、多くの社内ステークホルダーを管理しなければならない。


NO.24 The community manager of a small business group joins a Facebook networking group as a member and leaves responses on multiple posts.
The community manager’s comments negatively compare the management styles of both groups, which goes against the rules of the networking group.
The community manager of the networking group wants to reinforce to the whole community that every group has its own rules and culture.
Which two actions should the community manager of the networking group take? (Choose 2)


25位 地元の美術館が新しい展覧会を開く。美術館の館長は、新しい展覧会の盛り上がりを生み出すためにソーシャルメディアを活用するようコミュニティマネージャーに依頼した。コミュニティマネージャーは、インフルエンサーの投稿、来館者の声、プレスの引用を織り交ぜ、Facebookでオーガニックキャンペーンを実施。


NO.26 あるテック系スタートアップのコミュニティ・マネジャーが、新しい顧客獲得チャネルを開発したいと考えている。このスタートアップにはFacebookページとInstagramアカウントがあり、合わせて80,000人のリーチがある。


NO.27 The leaders of an organization in Chicago that supports new mothers decide to create an online community to help expand their fundraising opportunities. They plan to take advantage of an upcoming baby show to grow this community at a faster pace.
Which three recommendations should the community manager provide the organization when they create this online community? (Choose 3)


NO.28 The only community manager of a Brazilian national football fan group with 2 million members needs support to ensure content is on topic. The community manager notices an increase of spam videos in other languages in the group.
Which three options should the community manager use to keep the group relevant? (Choose 3)


NO.29 A hair salon supplier wants to create an online community to boost online store sales. The goal is to track trends and showcase products.
Their mission is to become the leading source for style inspiration, which requires them to stay at the forefront of a fast-moving industry and maintain appeal among a mass audience.
On which set of KPIs should the community manager focus?


30位 A community manager works on a Facebook group that handles sensitive subject matter. The personal identities of the group’s admin team must be kept confidential. The community manager wants to enable the admins to moderate discussions while fully protecting their personal profiles from harassment.


NO.31 A business consultant offers a free Facebook group to support potential clients. He aims to create consistent daily engagement.
Which two strategies could the consultant use to achieve his goal? (Choose 2)


NO.32 A growing business wants to create a yearly summit for current and prospective customers to increase awareness and drive sales. The community manager needs to convert 30% of existing community members into buying tickets for the inaugural event.
Which two steps should the community manager take to accomplish this task? (Choose 2)


NO.33 A company offers marketing training for a monthly fee. In addition to training, paying members are given access to an exclusive online community to connect with their peers. The community is very active, and members report they are getting value from the group. However, the CEO is concerned that the community does not increase revenue or decrease cost for the company and is considering closing the community aspect of the offer.
What action should the community manager take to build a case for keeping the community open?


NO.34 アースデイが近づく4月。ある子育てグループが持続可能性に関心を示したため、コミュニティ・マネジャーはコミュニティを巻き込むための新しいアイデアを練った。


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